Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Made Rice Crispies!

I heard about this a long time ago, but didn't bother to write it down, bookmark it, or save it. RICE CRISPIES!!!! At home......from scratch (well, I didn't grow the rice or anything). If I remember correctly, it was pretty much just fry your cooked rice. So that's what I did. I used coconut oil. They taste somewhere between a Rice Krispy and popcorn. They are REALLY yummy. They would be GREAT to use in those no-bake cookies with the chocolate chips melted, and the chow mein noodles.....what are those called? Um, Haystacks? Anyway, they would also make good rice crispie treats with homemade marshmallows (which I will make agian soon, and this time I will try Agave Nectar instead or brown rice syrup.....I refuse to use corn syrup).

It's hard to tell from the pictures, but they are nice and crunchy, and yummy too!

1 comment:

One Pretty Girl and Her Mama said...

Is there anything you can't do? My goodness!